【摘 要】我国流动人口数量与刑事犯罪率在时间周期与空间分布上存在较强的一致性,两者的内在联系及内在联系方式是目前研究中十分关注的问题。本文旨在运用犯罪经济学理论框架,从收入差距、刑罚威慑、社会资本等角度阐述流动人口与刑事犯罪率的内在传导机制,并利用1997年至2007年全国31个省份的面板数据对流动人口构成结构与刑事犯罪率之间的因果关系进行了计量分析。研究结果表明:流动人口整体规模的增加并不会导致刑事犯罪率的上升,而流动人口的工作类型结构、居住地类型结构及来源地类型结构与刑事犯罪率显著相关。
【摘 要】本文在将制度因素引入到经济增长模型的基础上,探讨基于路径依赖的制度变迁对经济系统的均衡点以及长期经济增长率的影响。从数理模型的角度证明了阿斯莫格鲁(Acemoglu)通过实证研究而得出的“制度是至关重要(Institution Matters)”的命题。模型的结论为:基于路径依赖的制度变迁会影响经济系统中均衡点存在性和长期平衡增长率;对经济增长产生两种不同的作用,即规模报酬递增和轨迹锁定。因此制度变迁会导致不同的结果:有些国家平穷而有些国家富裕。
【摘 要】本文在相关文献综述和机理分析的基础上,运用中国省级面板数据研究了社会资本、制度与经济增长的关系。实证研究表明:制度对中国经济增长具有显著的正面影响,不同类型的社会资本对中国经济增长的影响不同,信任对中国经济增长具有显著的正面影响,但是民间组织密度的影响却不显著;制度水平不同,社会资本对中国经济增长的作用也不同,社会资本对中国经济增长的影响随着制度水平的递减而逐渐增强;不同类型社会资本与制度的联合效应对中国经济增长的影响也是不同的,民间组织密度与市场化指数的联合效应对经济增长具有显著促进作用,而信任与市场化指数的联合效应对经济增长的作用不显著。
【摘 要】本文在杨小凯(XiaokaiYang,1999、2000)、李敬(2007、2008)的基础上,对新兴古典经济学投资―储蓄模型进行了改进,得出了金融发展对经济增长促进作用、金融发展差异导致经济发展差异的理论模型。在此基础上:本文利用2001-2007年的面板数据证明了金融发展水平的内生机制,商品、信息、金融市场的交易效率和教育水平每提高一个百分点,将导致金融发展水平分别提高0.089525、0.035013、0.710387和1.128221个百分点;金融发展通过交易效率等因素促进经济发展等方面存在着区域性的差异;利用1998-2007年的面板数据证明了金融发展水平对经济增长促进作用存在着地区性差异的结论;利用1978-2007年的金融发展水平、经济增长指标计算出了省际、区域基尼(Gini)和泰尔(Theil)系数,并对两个指标进行回归,得出了金融发展差异是经济增长差异的形成的一个重要原因的结论,最后,本文指出了进一步的研究方向。
【摘 要】自1978年分权改革以来,地方政府在招商引资上开展了激烈的竞争。在行政分权方面,地方政府通过压低劳动力价格、优惠土地出让及信贷干预等吸引资本;在财政分权方面,地方政府又通过预算内收入、预算外资金及预算内支出的结构等偏向资本所有者。这样,在政治集权而行政分权、财政分权的体制下,地方政府严重影响了收入在资本所有者和普通劳动者之间的分配。基于1978-2007年时序数据的协整检验也证实了上述分析。
中图分类号:F123.14, F812.4 文献标识码:A
【关键词】建构主义 金融抑制 负产出缺口 金融危机 转轨经济
【摘 要】以土地供应为土地要素纳入宏观调控的核心数据,运用VAR模型和脉冲函数,进行协整检验并构建误差修正模型,分析土地要素对经济增长、财政政策、货币政策的影响,实证表明地方政府利益驱动、微观执行基础缺失或不足和政策协调性不足是导致土地政策有效性有待进一步提高的原因。对此,本文提出进一步完善土地政策调控体系的相关政策建议,并辅以配套的财政政策和货币政策。
【关键词】土地政策 土地供应 VAR模型 协整检验 误差修正模型
【摘 要】本研究利用中国6次全国森林资源清查资料和1953~2006年分省市区的林业与国民经济统计数据,以及1949年以来的中国主要林权制度变迁变量,采用计量经济学模型,研究了中国林业制度变迁与森林资源动态变化。研究结果表明:从整体上来看,中国森林资源存在环境库兹涅茨曲线并且已经超越了森林资源环境兹茨涅茨曲线的拐点;但超越的省市区仅仅有14个省市区,并且根据造林面积和有林地面积计算出的结果保持一致;中国森林资源环境库兹涅茨曲线态势受到制度和社会经济等诸多因素的影响。
【摘 要】本文研究了考后知分填报志愿时,“志愿优先”的高考录取机制下考生填报自己真实偏好是否构成填报博弈均衡的问题。考生对其他人偏好的不完全信息使得志愿填报成了一个不完全信息博弈。当每个人的信念是独立均匀分布,并且所有学校的录取计划数相等时,每个人真实填报自己的偏好是序数贝叶斯激励相容的。当学校招生计划数不相等并且名额稀缺时,对于几乎所有的考生信念来说,申报真实偏好都不是激励相容的。
【关键词】匹配 序数贝叶斯激励相容(OBIC)志愿优先
【摘 要】现代主流经济学往往以效率原则来对制度安排进行评估,并把它视为是一个客观的指标;但实际上,效率的界定首先以特定的目标设定为前提,而目的设定本身就暗含了价值判断。其实,总效率以社会财富最大化为意识形态,帕累托效率建立在原子个人主义的意识形态之上;两者都没有剖析成本-收益的具体分担,没有考察收益的分配比例。特别是,在基于力量博弈的均衡理论指导下,这些概念在实践应用中往往是体现了作为既得利益的强势者的利益要求。同时,尽管科斯中性定理强调,在交易成本为零的情况下产权界定与资源配置效率无关;但是,考虑到交易能力的差异,只有将产权界定为穷人所有,社会资源配置才会更有效率。
【摘 要】从“特殊性身份/普适性契约”和“表达型理性/工具型理性”两个维度对个体交往方式进行交互分类,并运用认知演化的分析框架,考查中国改革三十年来社会个体间交往方式的演化过程及其认知基础。分析认为,中国社会个体交往方式经历螺旋式上升的演化过程;而个体认知结构作用下的目标驱动行为与规则遵循行为构成个体交往方式螺旋式上升的微观机理。
【摘 要】在社会主义经济大论战时期,围绕着以生产资料国有制和经济计划为主要特征的传统社会主义和兰格所提出来的竞争性社会主义所展开的讨论,产生了一系列重要的理论成果。这在很大程度上影响了后来的经济学家对社会主义经济问题的研究。本文以奥地利学派对社会主义经济合理性的批判为线索对相关研究进行回顾和反思,并从社会主义与市场经济的关系、重新认识国有制的性质、社会主义市场经济对市场社会主义的超越三个方面加以评价。
【摘 要】芝加哥学派的思想对美国反垄断法有着深远的影响。在2005年至2007年间,美国最高法院在其判例中提出了一些新的反垄断法理论和规则:搭售案件和所有的转售价格维护案件都不再适用本身违法规则;掠夺性购买案件必须证明被告的高价购买行为造成了实际亏损且在将来可以通过垄断利润回补亏损;仅有竞争者之间存在平行行为的事实不足以支持一个合格的竞争者合谋之诉。这些案件表明美国反垄断法将延续其的保守主义的基本立场和经济效率进路。
Search of Institutional Economics, Vol.2010 No.2
Title; Author(s); Abstract; Key Words, JEL Classifications
1. Title: The Floating Population and China’s Crime Rate: An Empirical Study from 1997 to 2007
Author(s):Shi Jinchuan Wu Xingjie
Abstract:The main purpose of this paper is to examine whether the floating population and China’s crime rate which both increasing sharply in the last decade, are causally linked. Firstly, the article theoretically analyses the transmission machine of the floating population and crime rate from the perspectives of income inequality, deterrence and social capital. Secondly, using China’s annual province-level data for the period 1997-2007, we reach the following findings, the scale of floating population has no impact on crime rate and the job,residence and origin types of floating population have significant impact on crime rate. Based on the theoretical and the econometric analysis, the article finally contributes relevant policy proposals on the crime prevention and control of floating population.
Key Words:Floating population; Crime rate; Type of floating population
JEL Classification:K40 K14 C12
2. Title:Institution Change, Path Dependence and Economical Growth:A Mathematic Model
Abstract: Based on economic growth model injected into institution, this paper discusses the influence of institution change on the basis of path dependence on the equilibrium point of economic system and long-run economic growth rate. From mathematical-model perspective, it has proved the Acemoglu’s proposition that institution matters by empirical research. The conclusion of the model is that institution change, in view of path dependence, has effect on the existence of equilibrium point of economic system and long-run equilibrium growth rate, and has two difference effect on economic growth, that is, increasing returns to scale and lock in .Therefore institution change will result in different outcome: some countries poor and some rich.
Key words:Institution; long-run economic growth rate;path dependence;
JEL Classifications: B52 E11
3. Title:Social Capital,Institution and Economic Growth:Based on Chinese provincial-level Panel Data
Author(s):Yang Yu Shen Kunrong
Abstract:Based on literature review and analysis of the mechanism, this paper empirically analyses the between ship of social capital, institution and economic growth, by Chinese province-level panel data. The empirical research show three following conclusions. First, institution and trust have significant positive effects on Chinese economic growth, the density of civil group have no effect. Second, social capital have different effects on Chinese economic growth at different level of institution. With the decreasing level of institution, the effect of social capital on economic growth is increasing. Third, different dimensions of social capital and institution have different combined effects on Chinese economic growth. Density of non-government organization and institution have significantly positive combined effects on Chinese economic growth, but trust and institution have insignificant combined effects on it. Furthermore, social capital has different effect on Chinese economic growth at different level of institution.
Key Words:Social capital, institution, Economic Growth, Empirical analysis
4. Title:Trading efficiency, Financial development and Economic growth
Abstract:Based on Yang(1999,2000) , Li(2007,2008) , this paper makes improvement to the the investment-save model in New-Classical Economics , which makes the result that the financial development promotes the GDP growth , the gaps in financial development lead to the gaps in GDP growth . What’s more , by using the panel data in 2001-2007, this paper makes the result the improvement of trading efficiency in commodity, information, financial market and the level of education place an great impetus on financial development. As it increases 1 percent, the financial development will increases 0.089525, 0.035013, 0.710387, 1.128221 percent partially; Apart from it , .by using the panel data in 1998-2007 , we prove the result that there exists gaps in promotion between financial development and GDP growth. Finally, by using the Gini and Theil series data in 1978-2007 and making regression , we make the conclusion that the gaps in financial development is one of the important reason of the gaps in GDP growth . As lacking of the data , this article doesn’t make the substantial analysis between the dual financial structure and GDP growth , which is the direction ction for advanced research .
Key Words: Financial development; Trading efficiency; The level of laboring division
JEL Classifications: G12 C13 C12
5. Title:Administrative Decentralization, Fiscal Decentralization and Labor-Capital Income Inequality
Author(s):Xiong Chai Huang Wei
Abstract:There has been a fierce competition on attracting capitals between the local governments in China since 1978. On the aspect of administrative decentralization, the local governments try to lure the capital via distinct measures such as lowering the wages, providing preferential prices of lands to the investors and regulating the credit rationing. On another aspect involving in fiscal decentralization, the local governments give a considerable priority to the capital owners by adjusting the structure of the budgetary revenue, the extra-budgetary fund and the budgetary expenditure. As a consequence, the local governments have a substantial influence on the income distribution between the capital owners and the workers through the control of the political centralization, administrative decentralization and fiscal decentralization. This conclusion is supported by a co-integration test based on the time series data from 1978 to 2007.
Key words:administrative decentralization; fiscal decentralization; labor-capital income inequality
JEL Classifications: E22 H61 I32
Abstract:As a part of system of constructional reason policy, such planned economy as the USSR constrains its finance system during earlier of 20 century. The restraining of finance may stimulate the economy short term. However, in long term, the system can make the macroeconomicstagnancy since it has restrained the private saving and the availability on capital. The policy of restraining of finance has been used to mitigate the poverty .In fact; it has become the cause of poverty. The transformation of economy with the main menu of liberation、privation and stabilizing ,may encounter the finance crises resulting from negative gap of output. Using the data of 1990-2001 of 18 countries, the paper give a positive research on the theses. We find that, the more seriously of restraining of finance, the more of negative gap of output and the more probability of finance crisis.
Key words:Constructionism; the Restrain of Finance; Gap of Output; Finance of Crises; Transition Economy
7. Title:The validity research of land macro-control of China-Empirical analysis from land supply
Abstract:The role that land supply plays in macro-control involved with land element is very important. In the paper, we use VAR model, impulse function, the cointegration test and build error correct model to analyze the impact of land element on GDP, fiscal policy and monetary policy. The analysis shows that the interests of local government-driven, the absence of micro impelementation foundation and the lack of policy coordination are the most important reasons that the effectiveness of land policy shoud be further enhanced. Based on this, it puts forward some corresponding policies to improve the validity of land macro-control.
Key words:Land Policy Land supply Var Model Cointegrated Test ECM
JEL Classification: C21 D21 O18 Q24
8. Title: On China’s Forest Resource Environmental Kuznets Curve
Author(s):Liu Can Lv Jinzhi
Abstract:Using data of six National Forest Resource Surveys and forestry and national economic statistics from 1953 to 2006, information of forestland tenure institutional arrangements and changes since 1949, we analyzed China’s forestland tenure changes and forest resource change. The empirical results indicated that 1) China has surpassed the critical point of forest resource Environmental Kuznets Curve in general, but only 14 provinces among 31 provinces have passed the cortical point. 2) the empirical results of afforestation area and forested areas are in the same direction; 3) China’s forest resources have been affected by institutions and other socioeconomic factors.
Key Words:forest resources, institutional changes, Environmental Kuznets Curve, forest economics
JEL Classifications: Q23 Q26
9. Title:The Incomplete Information Game under College Admission Mechanism
Abstract:We analyze the game of submitting schools rank order list in college admission mechanism. A student has incomplete information on other students’ preferences. When the belief is uniform distribution and all schools have the same quota, telling truth is Ordinary Bayesian Incentive Compatible (OBIC). When the school quotas are not equal and scarce, truth telling is not the equilibrium for a generic belief in students’ independent belief set.
Keywords:Match, Ordinary Bayesian Incentive Compatibility (OBIC), Preference priority
JEL Classification:C78 D81 I29
10. Title:Whether Efficiency Principle is Reasonable to Conduct the Reform of Social Institute?--An Analysis on the Practical Consequence of Social Total Efficiency and Pareto Efficiency
Abstract:Generally, mainstream economics value social institution by efficiency principle and regards it as an objective target. However, the efficient definition first takes the specific goal hypothesis as a premise, while the hypothesis itself implied a value judgment. Actually, the total effectiveness is based on ideology pursuing the maximization of social wealth, and Pareto-efficiency is based on the ideology of atomic individualism. But neither of them has analyzed concrete share of the cost and income, as well as the assignment proportion of income. Especially, under the guidance of equilibrium theory, which is based on strength gambling, these concepts in practice mostly reflected the requirement of the strength who take up the vested interest. Coase Neutrality Theorem stress that the efficiency of resource allocation is independent of the demarcation of property right if the exchange cost is zero. However, the efficiency of resource allocation will be more efficient if the property right is demarcated to the poor considering the difference of exchange capability.
Key words:Social Total Effectiveness; Pareto-effective; Coase Neutrality Theorem
JEL Classifications:A13 B52 K00
11. Title:On the Change of Individual Communication Model since China’s Reformation
――Based on the Analysis Frame of Cognitive Evolution
Author(s):Yan Ying Zhu Xianchen
Abstract:We divide individual communication model into four categories according to the dimensions of special identity/universal contract and expression rationality/utility rationality. And then we examine the change of individual communication model since China’s reformation and the cognitive foundation of this change based on the analysis frame of cognitive evolution. And we point out that, the individual communication model has experienced an spiral-up process, and the individual’s aim-drive behavior and rule-obey behavior which are affected by the social environments and the subjective knowledge tradition constitute the micro-mechanism of the change of individual communication model.
Key words:communication model; change; cognitive evolution
JEL Classifications:B15 D20 Z10
12. Title:The Socialism of Austrian Economics Tradition and Related Controversy――a reflection to Socialist Economic Calculation Debate.
Abstract:In the period of socialist economic calculation debate, the discussions around the traditional socialism which features by the state-owned means of production and economic planning and competitive socialism which by Lange, produced a series of important theoretical contributions that largely influenced subsequent economists of the socialist economy. This paper summarized the studies on the “socialist economic calculation debate” and relative discussions by analyzing the Austrian school critique of socialist economic rationality. Based on this, this paper researched the relationship between socialism and market economy and the nature of the state-owned economy and the socialist market economy beyond the market socialism.
Key Words:information; incentive; market socialism
JEL Classification:B24 P26 P51
13. Title:On the Well-established Economic Efficiency Approach in American Antitrust Law----Some Progress in the Antitrust Case Law of the United States
Abstract:The thoughts of Chicago School has deeply influenced the antitrust law of the United States. Within the period from 2005 to 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court proposed some new jurisprudence and rules on antirust in its decisions,which include: per se illegal rule no longer applies to tying arrangement and all resale price maintenance cases , a predatory-bidding case must prove the defendant has suffer actual losses caused by his bidding up input prices and has a probability of recouping the losses through the exercise of monopoly power, a pleading on antitrust conspiracy could no longer be supported by merely parallel conducts between competitors. These cases demonstrated the unchanged conservationism and economic efficiency approach in America antitrust law.
Keywords:antitrust law;economic efficiency;Chicago School